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Friday, April 25, 2014

Konsert Amal Dynamite of Islamic Art Night 2014


Kalau konsert DIAN2013 ada penyanyi jemputan Fitri Haris dan Muadz Dzulkifli, tahun ni punya konsert DIAN pulak ada jemput Imam Muda Najdi dan MR. Bie. Kepada yang tak tahu MR.Bie tu siapa (termasuklah aku) MR.Bie ini adalah seorang penyanyi lagu parodi islamik. Baru malam tadi aku dengar lagu dia bak kata orang, first time la.. Sedap jugak suara dia. Both Imam Muda Najdi dan MR.Bie pandai ambil hati penonton.. Pandai lak gurau-gurau.. hehe. Ok, Photo session!!!

*Gambar mengikut turutan program*

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How to Make Curve Line Using Photoshop


Ok, lets learn how to make the curve line using Photoshop. No more going back and forth between Photoshop and Paint *Like I do.. =D*

1. Open your Photoshop application. Mine was Photoshop CS5. But I think they are all same, I guess... Then, click on the line button. Just do the same when you did your straight line. Adjust your color, thickness, etc..

2. Click Edit button and look for the 'Free Transform Path' button. Or you can just simply press 'Ctrl + T' for shortcut.

3. Click the 'Warp' button. (inside the circle)

4. Adjust the curve according to the line.

5. Click on the 'Commit Transform' button. (inside the circle)

And you are done!

If you have enough patience, you can create something awesome like this! =D


Thursday, April 3, 2014

How to Check Maxis Broadband Data Usage


I already teach you how to change your broadband SSID and password. Now, lets learn how to check you maxis broadband data usage.

1. Go to this link. It will bring you to this page.

2. If you are the first time user, click the 'First Time User' and you will see this.

     Fill in the form. If you not sure what is your SIM Number, this is the example.

3. After all the registration done, it will bring you to this page. You can check your invoice, check payment, manage package and check data usage. Oh, you can see your Account number too.

4. Click here (1) and here (2) to see you data usage.

That's all! Now you can manage you quota every month!

Good Luck!